Watch me as I design the connectors for a Rhombic Triacontahedron in Fusion360

I hosted a workshop with a small group from the Glowforge forum on my method for creating the connectors for the polyhedrals I like to make.  We go through my workflow in creating Rhombic Triacontahedron connectors in this video.  Please keep in mind:

– I a not a technical trainer.
– I am not an expert in Fuision360.
– I learned by doing and watching YouTube Videos.
– As with anything, there is probably a better way to do this, but this is my way.
– You’ll need access to a 3D printer to print the connectors.

Wanna learn more? 

Check out this step-by-step tutorial on creating an Truncated Icosadodecahedron using Fusion360.

I wanna just buy the STL files!

This is all great, but can I skip to the part where I just download the STL file?  Yes, you can buy the connector files here.